Planning Process

A rigorous planning process ensures teachers address specific content in specific courses, at specific grade levels and that content can be taught in the available time.

At Ascot Vale West Primary School we follow a whole school approach to curriculum planning to ensure every child’s learning growth.

Our curriculum is based on the Victorian Curriculum F-10 (curriculum for all Victorian government schools). This incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian standards and priorities.

Our Curriculum Team, Working Parties (consisting of teachers across year levels focused on Literacy, Mathematics & Wellbeing), and Year Level Teams collaborate on the development of the Yearly Overview outlining the Victorian Curriculum discipline areas, specific understandings and skills to be taught.

Year Level Teams, supported by the Curriculum Team, plan units of work collaboratively following the Understanding by Design framework to outline learning goals, success criteria and learning experiences.

Guided by planning of the Year Level Teams and informed by assessment data, our teachers differentiate and modify instruction and learning tasks to meet the learning needs of every child in their classrooms.

As a part of a Professional Learning Community (PLC), our teachers undergo rigorous cycles of inquiry; reviewing teaching practices and further developing content knowledge in order to ensure best practice and consistency across the school.