Student Attendance

It is very important that once your child commences school, their attendance is regular and punctual.
It is expected that children attend school every day unless they are too sick, injured, have an infectious disease or a genuine reason for absence. The Department of Education requires parents/guardians to provide a verbal or written explanation for absences.

Enter the details directly to the teacher via the Ueducateus app.

Children who are late for class, even by only a few minutes, have a disrupted start to the day and also interrupt teachers and other students. Students who arrive after the 9:00 am bell will be recorded as late.

If it is necessary to take a child out of school prior to the end of the day, parents are required to fill in the Early Leavers Book at the office before collecting the children.

Absences, lateness and early departures are tracked closely and any unexplained or excessive absences will be followed up.If you are running late to collect your child at the end of the school day or have organised for someone else to collect your child, please contact the office. Your child’s teacher will be informed so that we can let your child know and where needed, make alternative arrangements.

Children should not be in the school yard before 8:45 am or after 3:15 pm unless they are accompanied by an parent/carer or participating in the out-of-school-hours program (see Camp Australia)